Happy New Year!
My memories of the first Sunday of each New Year are full of mixed emotions.
Anticipation mixed with fear. Excitement blended with dread.
It’s wonderful to say that you are beginning again but it’s scary to say you’re starting something new when that usually means you are giving up something comfortable.
Maybe a better way to look at the New Year is not to feel like you’re starting all over.
Maybe a better way is to think about making adjustments for improvement.
After all there are certain basics of our lives and faith that will guide us long before we make any New Year resolutions.
For example: Every January 1 - I have to decide which yearly devotions I’m going to read every morning. I also read from at least one book every day but I’m guided by several daily devotions. I could start fresh every year but that is too much change and seldom helpful. Instead – I start with the Bible. Maybe a different translation but I start here.
First – Through the Bible in One Year
Then add one devotional helpful last year and worth reading again.
Then add at least two daily devotions that will stimulate continued progress.
That will preach:
· Something basic and foundational.
· Something carried over that was helpful and bears repeating.
· Something new to stimulate continued progress.
Maybe this is good advice for a lot of what we try to do as leaders…
Remember what is basic and foundational.
Carry over and celebrate what was helpful and bears repeating.
Strive to create something new to stimulate continued progress.
Jim Robey, former pastor from Alabama has become a life coach for the United Methodist Church. He has been a coach and friend to me for many years. He gets more specific and asks three great questions:
1. What am I bringing from last year into this new one?
· what joys and sorrows, what is working and not working, hopes and dreams, sense of calling and following where God leads, unfinished business and new possibilities...
2. What would make this year “wildly successful” for me?
· my dreams and God-given yearnings, the “hunger of my heart,” specific goals that are pulling me forward...
3. What additional resources will help me “be” my best?
· people, experiences, spiritual practices and structures that will help me “be” what I desire in order to pursue my dreams...
Then Jim quoted from the following passage of Hebrews:
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won’t become weary and give up. (Hebrews 12:1-3)
For me it’s comforting that God is giving us a road map for the New Year.
· We are surrounded by a huge crowd of witnesses…
· Let us strip off every weight that slows us down…
· Let us run with endurance…
· Keep our eyes on Jesus…
· Think of what he endured…
· So, don’t become weary and give up…
As you begin your New Year with your first Sunday, please know that you are not alone. You are surrounded by a huge crowd of witnesses. I am one of those who will be praying for you and your ministry.
May you cling to what is basic and foundational.
May you carry over and celebrate what was helpful and bears repeating.
May you strive to create something new to stimulate continued progress.
May you especially know that you were called by God to be where you are today and that God will be with you today, tomorrow and forever.
Jim Robey, a United Methodist minister, was the first clergy to be endorsed by UMC for the Ministry of Life Coaching. (He is also endorsed as a Pastoral Counselor.) His appointment is as the Executive Director of ATTENTIONAL GROWTH INC, a non-profit organization which he founded. For more about Jim go to his website at: http://www.attentionalgrowth.org/
You are invited to an interactive conference call entitled 3 Keys to Successfully "Begin Again" on Thursday, January 6, 2011 at 2pm ET. Jim Robey will be joined by his friend and fellow coach Dr. Larry Ousley. For more information and to register click: http://myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/TVDKE81QOZA8H5QM
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