Lynchburg District Theme

Lynchburg District Theme
92 Churches Strong

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Enjoy Dinner with Mell and Larry - May 26 at Timberlake UMC

Enjoy Dinner with Mell and Larry – May 26 at Timberlake UMC

Special Offering for Larry’s Trip to South Africa and Park View Missions

Larry Davies and Brad Phillips have been named by Bishop Charlene Kammerer as members of the 2011 World Methodist Council. Along with five hundred others members from all over the world, they will be traveling to Durban, South Africa in August of 2011. The Council meets every five years for inspiration, education, fellowship, to strengthen our common witness and to transact the business of World Methodism. The World Methodist Council is the voice of the people around the world who stand in the Methodist/Wesleyan tradition.

The good news for our Lynchburg District, is the honor of being asked to serve. The bad news is they are providing no funds for the trip. We have managed to earmark funds to pay for the hotel, registration and other expenses. What remains is the cost of the flight to South Africa which is expected to be approximately $2500.

In addition, our own Park View Missions is struggling financially to pay the cost of the food they are providing now for approximately 800 families every month. Imagine a shopping cart full of food that will last a family of 4 or 5 approximately two weeks and you get an idea of what they are providing for others. Park View desperately needs our help and the district is trying to do what they can.

So, I have an idea…

On May 26, Glenda Fort is going to cook one of her scrumptious meals. Mell and I and a few friends are going to help. We want to invite you to join us for a wonderful dinner. If you've never had one of Glenda Fort's famous meals, you've really missed out. For years her family ran the famous Koffee Kup and other establishments.

Everything will be paid for before you come. Much of the food will come from Park View missions so you can sample for yourselves the food that is given to the poor. Everything else will be donated.

In addition, David Baldree and a few of his multi-talented friends will be there providing music. Rev. Phil Showers will talk for just a minute about Parkview and I will talk briefly about the trip to South Africa.

We’re doing all of this so that every dollar you give will go to a worthy cause. Every dollar.

50% will go toward sending Larry Davies to the World Methodist Council in South Africa.
50% will go toward Park View Missions and help feed over 800 needy families every month.

It just doesn’t get any better than that.

So come and join us. May 26, Thursday night from 5:30 to 7:30 at Timberlake UMC.

If this works, we may do this several times a year at various locations throughout the district so that we can have more fun and support mission projects at the same time.

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