Mission: Transformation. Reconciliation. Restoration.
“Prison Fellowship Rwanda seeks to transform the lives of those involved in and affected by crime through the good news of Jesus Christ, to pursue nationwide reconciliation and create peaceful communities and prosperous individuals.” – Mission Statement of Prison Fellowship, Rwanda.
Nancy Strachan represents the Lynchburg District in Rwanda. She has traveled there several times and works through Prison Fellowship and Pastor Deo. The remarkable aspect of this ministry has been the reconciliation among the tribes since the atrocities that occurred there years ago. Pastor Deo’s ministry has been a central part of the reconciliation by working within the prisons to bring both sides toward healing.
Recently Nancy sent me the following email about one of our churches. Bethany UMC, of the Bellevue Charge pastored by Rev. H.O. (Tom) Thomas. The letter shares an amazing story of the enthusiasm of a group of children who will make a difference in Rwanda.
Dear Larry,
I couldn't wait to share this good news with you and I will have some photos to share soon as well.
I am Nancy Strachan, Rwandan HUGS, Inc. and met you when you were so gracious to spend time with Pastor Deo from Prison Fellowship Rwanda and me in October. Thank you for hosting us.
Part of our ministry in Rwanda to very vulnerable people is livestock distribution, particularly goats. A few weeks before I left for my March 8-28 trip, a member of Bethany UMC, Carol Lee called to tell me their children wanted to help and were planning to raise money for goats by encouraging the congregation to save spare change for goats until Easter Sunday. By the time I left in March they had enough to give me money for 15 goats (at $35 each).
With their money and money from other donors I was able to distribute 150 goats and sheep, 9 pigs, and 4 hens during my visit to Rwanda.
Bethany UMC in Forest invited me to come on Saturday, April 23 as the children gathered for their Easter Egg Hunt and Party.
I was moved to tears as a little girl proudly announced they had money for 52 GOATS!!!!
These are small kids, not a teen youth group. What a difference this will make in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ in Rwanda. I have several churches on the waiting list for more goats so I hope the story of these little children responding so beautifully will encourage other children and adults as well.
Larry, some of the people I gave goats to in Rwanda were so poor they couldn't afford to buy a rope to take them home. They made ropes from the leaves on the stalks of maize in a nearby field to carry their goats home. Some came as far as 20 miles to receive their gift.
I thought you might like to know how Christ is alive and well at Bethany! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
In Christ,
Nancy Strachan, Rwandan HUGS, Inc.
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