Lynchburg District Theme

Lynchburg District Theme
92 Churches Strong

Sunday, September 19, 2010



            Jerry Viemeister – Leg is still fractured. Difficulty healing.
            Mary Jones – Surgery complete now at home.
            Les Trail – continuing treatments
            Ken Jackson – Home and expecting to return to work as much as possible during treatments

I can only speak for myself but I found last week extremely stimulating. Part of it was Pete Moon’s challenging study of Revelation. I was energized by the ideas. But a lot of the excitement for me was simply being around you.

I saw and heard a lot of enthusiasm and creative ideas during our 24 hours together. I can’t wait to hear some of the 100 word testimonies that will come out of your churches.

Alex Duncan is moving fast and is full of enthusiasm over the miracle of a new roof for Jackson Street thanks to your generous efforts.

Now what?

This is when the two questions can help us stay focused. “How big is your dream?” Is a reminder that we all serve a God much bigger than ourselves and our churches. The question is a challenge that can continually motivate us to keep our attention on God. “How good is your team?” serves as reminder that we were never meant to be in this alone. Our primary function as pastors is to challenge our churches with big dreams – (Vision and Preaching) and continually build good teams: (Evangelism & Discipleship.)

Now what?

First, we prepare. We take seriously the Bishop’s call to fast and pray each week between now and December 31. Each of us has to interpret fast in our own way and with our own health needs but the critical point is not in how we fast. The critical part is in the way we discipline ourselves to receive a word from God. I believe as a conference we will receive that Word clearly.

Second, we share. Today most of us will preach for the first time since our time together. How can we begin sharing what we have learned? What kind of dream will you share? What kind of team will you begin to build?

John Maxwell in his devotion today mentioned the old expression, “bring something to the table” to describe a person’s ability to contribute to the conversation or to add value to others at a meeting. Some will add value with their creative ideas. Others will add value by helping to turn those ideas into reality.

Today we all look for a way to bring something to the table that will add value.

Third, we anticipate. I believe we can anticipate a better future as we struggle to dream our dreams and build our teams.

Now what? Prepare, Share and Anticipate. I’m looking forward to what happens next.

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