Two New Blogs are Now Available
What is known on our District Newsletter as Larry's Link is now listed in blog form and will often contain extra articles and other features that were previously emailed to pastors. This gives more people access and a way to check back. You can also add an RSS feed to your email.
Go to our website at for more information.
Larry's devotional, Sowing Seeds of Faith is now in blog form and comes out several times per week. You can also receive the blog on Kindle.
Go to to sign up and receive more information.
Lynchburg District Resource Center - Bring Some/Take Some
The Lynchburg District Resource Center is officially up and running. Just off the Narthex at Court Street UMC is a room that is filling up fast with books, small group study material and assorted information. Mell Davies will be there most Wednesday mornings to help you with questions. But don't wait until Wednesday, come anytime.
The rules are simple:
- If you see something you like - take it.
- When you are finished using it -- bring it back.
- If you have something to share - bring it.
- If you took something previously but didn't use it - bring it back.
For more information contact Mell Davies at:
Office Furniture Needed
Rev. Alex Duncan is trying to add an office for Trinity UMC and is in need of two desks, 2 chairs, 2 computers, file cabinets and a window air conditioner. If you have anything you can donate please reply to this email or call 434-832-0401.
August 27: 8:30 "Backpacks for Kid's Sake" breakfast, Virginia Bap. Hospital
This meeting is a key meeting that will be attended by a variety of churches, the mayor and several other key people. We will be introducing the “Backpack for Kids Sake” program and providing information on how the churches can participate. This will be a huge opportunity to provide badly needed food for the children of Lynchburg and surrounding counties.
In the Bedford area a group of our pastors have already been organizing a similar program to care for the children at Body Camp Elementary. Here is a report from Rev. Tammy Franklin.
Last year as the Smith Mountain Lake Cluster met we were searching for a "hands on" ministry that would allow as many people to participate as possible. Paul Greer shared the vision of Ed Clark, member of Main St UMC and Mickey White a pastor in Roanoke for Body Camp Elementary. We bounced the idea around and then were told Body Camp Elementary was going to be closed. Early this summer we found out Body Camp would be open one more year (at least) and so we decided to move forward with the Backpack program.
As pastors we began bringing some of our folks with us to the meetings whenever possible! We wanted to be able to pack the food into the back packs ourselves and working through Roanoke Food Bank allowed us to be hands on. We sent out information to our churches explaining what the program was and gave them each a flyer to take home and read.
There are three ways to be involved
- Pray for the ministry, the children and their families, Body Camp Elementary faculty and staff. Pray seeking to know how God wants each one of us involved
- You can "adopt" a child (names of children will never be given out).
- You can volunteer.
We were blessed to have approximately $900 in seed money and Wal-Mart in Bedford agreed to donate all the backpacks! The PTA is involved with coordinating the volunteer aspect of this mission. We are inviting other denominations to participate as well as community and civic organizations.
Roanoke food bank has been terrific to work with. They gave our group a list of foods and we developed the menu for the backpacks (approx. 20 items per backpack) And have ordered 2 months supply. Half has already been picked up by volunteers and is in place at Wilsons UMC and ready for the first packing set for September 9 so back packs can go home with children.
We have been blessed to work with Dr. McGinnnis principal at Body Camp. He is handling the decision as to which families are eligible for the program (based on free and reduced lunch sign ups). He is the only one who will know names of families.
Food is picked up once a month from the Food Bank delivered and unloaded at Wilsons UMC. Weekly volunteers pick up the empty backpacks on Thursday (if school lets out earlier in the week volunteers go the last day students are in school that week, i.e. Tue. or Wed.).
We are planning on filling 100 back packs, won't know exact number until after school registration (this Thur.) which means we may need $23,000. To date we have raised $19, 395.91 Thanks be to God and the power of God's Holy Spirit!
Important Dates to keep on your Calendar
September 9: 10 & 7 - Charge Conference Orientation, Court Street UMC
September 7: 7:00 PM - Common Table, Fort Hill UMC
September 14-15 - Clergy Workshop and Training, Blackstone, VA
October 5: 7:00 PM - Common Table, Fort Hill UMC
October 12: 9:00 - District Clergy Meeting, Court Street UMC
October 21: 9:00 - District Committee on Ordained Ministry, Court Street UMC
October 22-23 Lay Speakers Training, Location Fort Hill UMC
October 30: 9:00 - Staff/Pastor/Parrish Relations Training, Court Street UMC
November 2 Common Table, Fort Hill UMC, 7:00 pm
November 24-26 Thanksgiving Holidays, District Office Closed
December 5 District Charge Conference, Amelon UMC, 3:00 pm
December 11-12 Lynchburg District hosting Cabinet Meeting
December 23-28 Christmas Holidays, District Office Closed
January 29, 2011 Leadership Training Event, Heritage UMC 8:30 am - 2:00 pm
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