Background Checks
From Church Volunteer Daily - Written By Bob D'Ambrosio
According to the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse, roughly 900,000 incidents of child abuse cases are reported each year. And considering it’s believed that less than 10 percent of sexual abuse cases are ever reported to authorities, the number of actual incidents each year is far greater.
How safe is your church? When it comes to risk management, talk is a great place to start, but action is required. Churches need background check programs to protect the at-risk members. Ministry leaders need to advocate for safety in services that are provided to children, youth, and the elderly.
To continue reading this important article on background click here:
If You Count the Money, Count the People -- By Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
At a recent gathering, clergy and laity from several congregations were asked how they keep track of their attendance each Sunday and how they keep up with who is attending. A vigorous debate ensued. Some reported how they monitor the numbers and keep track of people attending, but the energy was with those who did not attempt either task. The churches represented tended to be smaller membership and mid-size churches.
Common responses included:
There are only a few of us, so why count? Do you know how much trouble it would be to keep up with who is attending? We don’t have any staff to do that. We are more like family, so to count doesn’t seem right. We count the attendance, but there is no way we could keep up with which people are present.
At first what they said seemed to make sense to others. Perhaps there are churches where counting is not a part of the culture and other places where there are no staff or volunteers to make sure such monitoring takes place.
But another question was raised: "What do you do about the money collected in the offering?" No one seemed to understand the question. So it was asked again: "If counting is not a part of how you do things and if you do not have adequate staff or volunteers to count, what in the world do you do with the money contributed each week?"
The answer then came quickly: "Well, we count it." And the questioner continued, asking how they remembered who gave the money. "We record it." How do you get it to the bank? "A deposit is prepared and taken to the bank." And is this done once a month since it is so hard to get things counted and tracked in your churches? "No. We do it every week."
Interesting. Such practices may tell us about priorities and why most churches are reaching fewer people through worship year after year.
To continue reading this important article click here:
Church of the Resurrection Leadership Retreat -
October 7-8. 2010 in Kansas City
Children are preparing for back to school and Church of the Resurrection is preparing for the upcoming Fall Leadership Institute. As you make final plans for Fall, we hope you will join church leaders from across the country as we “Prepare for a Future with Hope”. This year Adam Hamilton, Senior Pastor, along with key leaders from Hallmark Cards Inc., and the Resurrection staff, will be leading us to consider what it takes to prepare our churches for a future with hope.
The Early Bird Deadline for Leadership Institute 2010 is fast approaching. To get the best registration rate for you and your team, you must register by September 10. The following is information you may also find interesting.
Registrations are outpacing last year’s numbers significantly. What this means for you is that you want to register as soon as possible because the limited number of spaces allocated to each workshop is available on a first come basis. While we have implemented a waitlist to best serve you, it is important to register as early as possible to insure you are able to attend those workshops most appropriate to your ministry area.
Our denomination is experiencing decline, and we believe this can be turned around. But, it takes great leaders, with a great vision, and a great willingness to lead with hope.
See you at the Institute to prepare your church for a Future with Hope.
The Church of the Resurrection Leadership Institute Team --
Important Dates to keep on your Calendar
September 9: 10 & 7 - Charge Conference Orientation, Court Street UMC
September 7: 7:00 PM - Common Table, Fort Hill UMC
September 14-15 - Clergy Workshop and Training, Blackstone, VA
October 5: 7:00 PM - Common Table, Fort Hill UMC
October 12: 9:00 - District Clergy Meeting, Court Street UMC
October 21: 9:00 - District Committee on Ordained Ministry, Court Street UMC
October 22-23 Lay Speakers Training, Location Fort Hill UMC
October 30: 9:00 - Staff/Pastor/Parrish Relations Training, Court Street UMC
November 2 Common Table, Fort Hill UMC, 7:00 pm
November 24-26 Thanksgiving Holidays, District Office Closed
December 5 District Charge Conference, Amelon UMC, 3:00 pm
December 11-12 Lynchburg District hosting Cabinet Meeting
December 23-28 Christmas Holidays, District Office Closed
January 29, 2011 Leadership Training Event, Heritage UMC 8:30 am - 2:00 pm
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