From Salem UMC in Evington led by Rev. Chuck Schooler
Recently, I visited Salem UMC, in Evington, where Chuck Schooler is pastor. We were celebrating the open house for a new rotation model Sunday school. Several months ago, Chuck visited a workshop where he learned about Power Xpress, a rotation Sunday School curriculum sponsored by Cokesbury. Chuck came back fired up ready to give it a try but I had no idea just how determined he was.
The entire children's hall of this small church had been transformed to this new model. Inside there was:
· Movie Theater complete with special seats, a raised floor and a popcorn machine.
· Sports room with the walls painted with various favorite sport team logos.
· Computer room filled with computer stations.
· Craft room ready for and decorated to do almost any craft.
· Science room with anything needed for experiments.
The rooms were creatively decorated and filled with hands on examples. I admit that my mouth was open and I was speechless at what this enterprising pastor and church had accomplished.
The church was full of children. Does that surprise you? When I asked Chuck how he managed to do all this, he smiled and said: "Larry, I just shared what I learned and asked people if they thought we could do it? God and the enthusiasm of others did the rest?"
From Bethesda UMC in Huddleston, led by Rev. Tammie Franklin
Last Sunday, I led a one day revival at Bethesda UMC in Huddleston where Tammy Franklin is pastor. I never heard of this but Tammy organized it because she found attendance dropped off at a typical revival after the first day. So, she decided to do it all within the one day time frame.
11:00 - First Revival service of worship followed by Lunch
Special music from a local group followed by the final revival message
This could also be a commitment Sunday where the emphasis is on celebrating the church's past and planning for the future.
From Lynchburg District Youth led by Shawn Kiger
I visited our District Youth retreat at the 4H Center near Smith Mountain Lake. I was there to serve communion to the leaders and participants. Not only did our youth have a great time but they were joined for the first time by youth from the Danville District. Because of their participation they were able to bring a dynamic speaker, Duffy Robbins, someone they could never afford without the extra help provided by Danville. In addition they had such a great experience working together they are going to do it again next year.
Doing projects together allows you to think and dream bigger. How big is your dream?
Doing projects together requires skilled and enthusiastic teamwork. How good is your team?
From Bethlehem UMC in Concord led by Rev. Dan Dibble
We began a new youth revitalization project last week. Over several weeks, I put a WANTED poster in the bulletin for youth to assist me in presenting the message each week. The younger children already assist me in handing out sermon outlines and focus objects that they help me make.
The new youth group is very excited about becoming an important part of presenting the message.
Since we try to make our projects about Teams, they've already given themselves a team name.
The formation process has been:
Phase I: Promotion - Promote and organize to meet and discuss gifts and abilities within the team.
Phase II - Prepare - Meet for prayer, scripture readings, and reflection on the messages.
Phase III - Present - Plan and present messages - INSIDE and OUTSIDE - using their gifts and abilities.
Four great examples of how God can work within us and stir up something new.
WSET - Worship Space Enhancement Team
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